Rules - Quiz
- Participation in the quiz is free and open to all individuals above 18 years of age; Indian citizens currently residing in India.
- Organizer’s will have a final say with regard to any dispute.
- Each person can take the quiz only once.
- There is no negative score for wrong answers or in case of timeout. If not sure of the answer, choose a random option and increase your chances of getting the answer correct.
- If two quiz participants have the same score, both will be considered winners if they complete the quiz in the given timeframe. Top 5 winners of the day will be selected for those who answer all questions correctly in the shortest amount of time.
- Quiz questions are based on Azure. Take up the Cloud Skill Challenge and increase chances of winning the quiz.
- The grand prize winner will be selected based on maximum number of quizzes participated in and maximum number of referrals.
- Weekly quiz starts on Monday 10am of the week till Sun 10 pm of the same week.